Fisheries Environmental Oceanography Section: Department of Living Marine Resources, Atmosphere and Ocean Research Institute, The University of Tokyo



Fisheries Environmental Oceanography Section Seminar

The division members review recent publications or make scientific presentations. We also welcome guests to introduce their original studies.
The division seminar is jointly hold with Ecosystem Research Section.

Date: Friday (Please check the following schedule)
Venue: Lecture Room at AORI

Schedule in 2024 Fiscal Year

日時 担当者 内容
1/24 王(子) 論文紹介 "Construction of chub mackerel (Scomber japonicus) fishing ground prediction model in the northwestern Pacific Ocean based on deep learning and marine environmental variables"
1/24 寒田 発表練習 「黒潮沿岸域におけるマアジ稚魚の出現様式に関する研究」
1/17 菅原 研究紹介 「西岸境界流における海洋から大気への水蒸気フラックス強化と大気への影響に関する研究 (Enhancement of air-sea moisture flux in the western boundary currents and its impacts on the atmosphere)」
1/17 論文紹介 "Connecting the dots: Applying multispecies connectivity in marine park network planning"
1/17 研究紹介 "Applications of AI Technology in Fisheries Management"
1/10 高橋 研究紹介 「房総沖・陸棚域における乱流混合と内部孤立波 (Turbulent mixing and internal solitary waves on the continental shelf off the Boso Coast)」
1/10 村瀬 研究紹介 "Why and how do aragonite otoliths become vaterite crystals?"
12/26 中島 研究紹介 "Inputs of sediment-derived materials to the region off the Tone River: Insights from radium isotopes"
12/26 王(子) 論文紹介 "Cumulative impacts of fisheries in the California Current"
12/20 須田 論文紹介 "Phased chromosome-level genome provides insights into the molecular adaptation for migratory lifestyle and population diversity for Pacific saury, Cololabis saira"
12/20 REGALADO 論文紹介 "A novel approach for rapidly determining the reproductive status of walleye pollock (Gadus chalcogrammus) using Raman spectroscopy"
12/13 論文紹介 "Elder fish means more microplastics? Alaska pollock microplastic story in the Bering Sea"
12/13 八木 論文紹介 "Distribution and habitat preference of polar cod (Boreogadus saida) in the Bering and Chukchi Seas inferred from species-specific detection of environmental DNA"
12/13 須田 論文紹介 "Distributions of larvae and juveniles of Pacific saury Cololabis saira during winter in relation to oceanographic structures in the central and western North Pacific Ocean"
12/6 王(岩) 論文紹介 "Eelgrass beds can mitigate local acidification and reduce oyster malformation risk in a subarctic lagoon, Japan: A three-dimensional ecosystem model study"
12/6 村上 論文紹介 "Turbulent Mixing in a Far-Field Plume During the Transition to Upwelling Conditions: Microstructure Observations From an AUV"
11/29 林(ユ) 論文紹介 "Species richness in North Atlantic fish: Process concealed by pattern"
11/21 REGLADO 論文紹介 "Fish shrinking, energy balance and climate change"
11/21 XING 研究紹介 "Detection of mesoscale ocean dynamic processes and their effects on fisheries"
11/15 GAO(Z) 研究紹介 "Climate-Induced Long-Term Variations in Arctic Ecosystems"
11/15 八木 論文紹介 "Quantitative assessment of multiple fish species around artificial reefs combining environmental DNA metabarcoding and acoustic survey"
11/8 村上 論文紹介 "On the nature of the frontal zone of the Choctawhatchee Bay plume in the Gulf of Mexico"
11/8 寒田 論文紹介 "Anomalous Nutricline Drives Marked Biogeochemical Contrasts During the Kuroshio Large Meander"
11/1 AHMED 論文紹介 "Effect of water temperature and fish biomass on environmental DNA shedding, degradation, and size distribution"
11/1 菅原 論文紹介 "The Atmospheric Response to Meridional Shifts of the Gulf Stream SST Front and Its Dependence on Model Resolution"
10/23 王(岩) 研究紹介 "Application of tidal-residual current separation method based on underway ADCP observations in the inner shelf of East China"
10/23 林(ユ) 研究紹介 「Ocean DNA 調査による日本周辺の魚群構造の地理的特徴」
10/23 王(子) 研究紹介 "Evaluating marine fish migratory stategies and subsequent effects on distribution and ontogenetic process using an individual based model developed for Pacific chub mackerel (Scomber japonicus)"
10/18 八木 研究紹介 「環境DNAを用いた小型浮魚類の分布と季節変動に関する研究」
10/18 研究紹介 「北太平洋における2016~2050にプラスチック排出量と海表面のマイクロプラスチック分布の未来予測 (Future plastic emission and microplastics distribution in the North Pacific Ocean)」
10/18 REGALADO 研究紹介 "Life history and migration patterns of the Bali sardinella (Sardinella lemuru/カタボシイワシ) in the Western Pacific"
10/11 村上 研究紹介 "Nutrient Transport from Tone River Mouth"
10/11 YANG 研究紹介 "Restoration strategies for overwintering ground of large yellow croaker (Larimichthys crocea) in the East China Sea under climate change and overfishing"
10/4 須田 研究紹介 「サンマの回遊戦略解明と将来予測:同位体情報と回遊モデルの融合的アプローチ」
9/27 寒田 研究紹介 「黒潮沿岸域におけるマアジ稚魚の出現様式の変動」
9/27 菅原 研究紹介 「黒潮の北偏・蛇行が海洋から大気への水蒸気フラックスに与える影響」
9/13 増永先生 研究紹介 「沿岸海域における内部潮汐の観測とモデル化」
9/13 王(雪) 研究紹介 「環境DNAを用いた北太平洋亜熱帯および亜寒帯海域における魚類の日周鉛直移動特性の探究」
9/6 AHMED 研究紹介 "Insights into Marine Surface Fish Biodiversity: A Comparison of eDNA Metabarcoding Methods (Intake, Niskin, and Bucket)"
9/6 伊藤(薫) 研究紹介 "Three regimes of internal gravity wave-stable vortex interaction ⁄ Long-term variations of water masses in the southern part of the Okhotsk Sea"
7/12 研究紹介 "小型浮魚類のOceanDNAーーGhost environmental DNA in the deep ocean"
7/12 林(ユ) 論文紹介 "Archived DNA reveals marine heatwave-associated shifts in fish assemblages"
7/5 論文紹介 "Distribution and transport of microplastics among environmental matrices and biomes in coastal water"
7/5 八木 論文紹介 "Environmental DNA reveals seasonal shifts and potential interactions in a marine community"
6/26 村上 論文紹介 "Modeling the dispersal of the San Francisco Bay plume over the northern and central California shelf"
6/26 REGALADO 論文紹介 "Forecasting shifts in habitat suitability across the distribution range of a temperate small pelagic fish under different scenarios of climate change"
6/21 論文紹介 "Sources of marine debris for Seychelles and other remote islands in the western Indian Ocean"
6/21 王(子) 論文紹介 "There and back again: natal homing by magnetic navigation in sea turtles and salmon"
6/14 王(雪) 論文紹介 "Temperature sensitivity of the interspecific interaction strength of coastal marine fish communities"
6/14 AHMED 論文紹介 "Modeling characterization of the vertical and temporal variability of environmental DNA in the mesopelagic ocean"
6/7 菅原 論文紹介 "Impact of the Kuroshio large meander on local atmospheric circulation and precipitation in winter"
6/7 林(珍) 論文紹介 "Optimum growth temperature declines with body size within fish species"
5/31 寒田 論文紹介 "Synchronous spatio-temporal changes in potential habitats of Trachurus murphyi and Dosidicus gigas off Chile in relation to regime shift of Pacific decadal oscillation"
5/31 八木 論文紹介 "Comparison of fish fauna evaluated using aqueous eDNA, sedimentary eDNA, and catch surveys in Tokyo Bay, Central Japan"
5/24 須田 論文紹介 "Otolith biogeochemistry reveals possible impacts of extreme climate events on population connectivity of a highly migratory fsh, Japanese Spanish mackerel Scomberomorus niphonius"
5/24 村上 論文紹介 "Evolving Interior Mixing Regimes in a Tidal River Plume"
5/17 REGALADO 研究紹介 "Life history and migration patterns of the Bali sardinella (Sardinella lemuru/カタボシイワシ) in the Western Pacific"
5/17 王(子) 研究紹介 "Charting the migration and distribution of Pacific chub mackerel in northwest Pacific Ocean"
5/10 研究紹介 「北西太平洋におけるマイクロプラスチックの表層除去速度の見積もり」
"Estimating the biological microplastics sink timescale in NW Pacific"
5/10 須田 研究紹介 「サンマの回遊戦略解明と将来予測:同位体情報と回遊モデルの融合的アプローチ」
5/2 王(雪) 研究紹介 「小型浮魚群集組成を用いた海洋 DNA サンプリング手法の比較研究」
5/2 寒田 研究紹介 「黒潮沿岸域におけるマアジ稚魚の出現様式の変動」
4/26 菅原 研究紹介 「蛇行する黒潮における海洋から大気への水蒸気フラックスの局所的な強化」
4/26 林(ユ) 研究紹介 "Geographic characteristics of fish community structures around Japan revealed by eDNA survey"
4/19 村上 研究紹介 「北赤道海流の南北分岐に関する季節変動 -ニホンウナギの加入動態との関連-」
4/19 八木 研究紹介 「環境DNAサンプリングにおける船上濾過手法の最適化および 駿河湾魚類相調査への適用」
4/12 AHMED 研究紹介 "Comparison of three surface sampling methods for fish species eDNA detection using MiFish primer"
4/12 唐木 研究紹介 "Scale-selective separation between a buoyant gravity current and submesoscale disturbances observed off the southeastern coast of Hokkaido, Japan"
4/5 林珍 研究紹介 "Studies on long-term body weight changes of fishes around Japan"

Schedule in 2023 Fiscal Year

Schedule in 2022 Fiscal Year

Schedule in 2021 Fiscal Year

Schedule in 2020 Fiscal Year

Schedule in 2019 Fiscal Year

Schedule in 2018 Fiscal Year

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Schedule in 2016 Fiscal Year

Schedule in 2015 Fiscal Year

Schedule in 2014 Fiscal Year