Graduated Schools and courses
Students in the Fisheries Environmental Oceanography Section should belong to either Department of Aquatic Bioscience (Graduate School of Agricultural and Life Science) or Department of Natural Environmental Studies (Graduate School of Frontier Sciences). The detail of the admission policy will be found at the following home page of each graduate school.We recommend foreign students first admit to the graduate school as a Graduate International Research Student (Non-Regular Course) to study a specific subject under the supervision of a professor for a half year from September and then have an entrance examination in February to admit as a regular course Master or Doctoral course student. Please contact to a professor for more details. We always welcome your contact to us.
■Department of Aquatic Bioscience (Graduate School of Agricultural and Life Science) /Profs. Shin-ichi ITO and Kosei KOMATSU
- Admission to Regular Courses (Master’s or Doctoral Courses)
- Admission to Non-Regular Course
- Admission to International Program in Agricultural Development Studies (IPADS)
■Department of Natural Environmental Studies (Graduate School of Frontier Sciences) / Prof. Kosei KOMATSU