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大学院担当:安田が担当しているのは、大学院理学系研究科・地球惑星科学専攻・大気海洋科学研究グループと大学院農学生命研究科・水圏科学専攻です。興味をもたれた方は、お気軽に上記までご連絡下さい。入試情報は、理学系研究科地球惑星科学専攻:http://www.eps.s.u-tokyo.ac.jp/jp/guidance/index.html、農学生命研究科水圏生物科学専攻 http://www.a.u-tokyo.ac.jp/index.html で案内しています。当研究室の小松准教授は、新領域創成科学研究科自然環境学専攻、農学生命研究科水圏生物科学専攻を担当しています。協力講座である地球表層圏変動研究センターの伊藤幸彦准教授は、理学系研究科地球惑星科学専攻、農学生命研究科水圏生物科学専攻を担当する予定です。併せて紹介します。
氏 名: 安田 一郎 (やすだ いちろう)
生年月日: 昭和35年1月4日生
昭和53年 3月 東京都立国立高等学校卒業
昭和53年 4月 東京大学理科1類入学
昭和55年 4月 東京大学理学部地球物理学科進学
昭和57年 3月 東京大学理学部地球物理学科卒業
昭和57年 4月 東京大学大学院理学系研究科地球物理学専攻修士課程入学
昭和59年 3月 同上 修了、理学修士
昭和59年 4月 農林水産省水産庁研究部研究課、農林水産技官
昭和60年 4月 農林水産省水産庁東北区水産研究所海洋部海洋第2研究室研究員へ配置替え
昭和63年 4月 同研究所海洋環境部海洋動態研究室、研究員へ配置替え
昭和64年 7−8月 東海大学海洋学部海洋工学科へ国内留学
平成元年10月− 科学技術庁宇宙開発関係在外研究員として米国マサチューセッツ工科大学客員研究員総理府技官併任
平成 2年 9月
平成 2年10月 東北区水産研究所研究所海洋環境部海洋動態研究室、研究員
平成 4年 1月 学位「博士(理学)」取得(東京大学)
<Studies on the evolution
of Kuroshio warm-core rings>
平成 5年 4月 東北区水産研究所海洋環境部主任研究官
平成 6年10月 北海道大学大学院地球環境科学研究科助教授
平成 9年 4月 東京大学大学院理学系研究科助教授
平成17年 4月 東京大学海洋研究所教授
平成22年 4月 大気海洋研究所に組織替え・教授
昭和57-59年 「黒潮大蛇行に関する研究」
昭和60−平成 5年 「東北海域の海洋物理環境と漁場に関する研究」
平成 5年−17年 「北太平洋表中層循環と黒潮・親潮生態系に関する研究」
平成17年― 「海洋混合と潮汐18.6年振動に伴う海洋・生態系・気候変動に関する研究、魚種交代メカニズムに観測研究」
Yasuda and G.R. Flierl, 1995: Two dimensional asymmetric vortex merger: Contour
dynamics experiment., J. Oceanogr., 51, 145-170
2.日本水産海洋学会論文賞(平成21年4月)H. Nishikawa and I. Yasuda, 2008: Variation of Japanese sardine
(Sardinops melanostictus) mortality in relation to the winter mixed layer in
the Kuroshio Extension. Fish. Oceanogr. 17(5), 411-420.
3.日本水産海洋学会論文賞(平成22年4月)Itoh, S., I. Yasuda, H. Nishikawa, H. Sasaki and Y. Sasai (2009),
Transport and environmental temperature variability of eggs and larvae of the
Japanese anchovy (Engraulis japonicus) and Japanese sardine (Sardinops
melanostictus) in the western North Pacific estimated via numerical particle
tracking experiments. Fish. Oceanogr., 18(2), 118-133.
2005 3 増島雅親 日本海洋学会奨励論文賞 Transport of Oyashio water across the Subsurface Font into the Mixed
Water Region and formation of NPIW. J.O., 59, 855-869, 2003.
2005 9 長船哲史 PICES-POC best presentation 共著 Bidecadal
variability in the intermediate waters of the northwestern subarctic Pacific
and the Okhotsk Sea in relation to the 18.6-year nodal tidal cycle. PICES
XIV POC_Paper-2485
10 金子仁 PICES-POC best
presentation 共著 1, Nov, 16:20 (POC_P-4362) Current and turbulence observations of North Pacific Intermediate
Water in the Kurosho?Oyashio confluence region
Kaneko and Ichiro Yasuda
best presentation 共著 H. Tatebe, I. Yasuda and H. Saito,
Numerical experiment of horizontal transport of Neocalanus copepods in the
subarctic and northern subtropical North Pacific using numerical models.
10 野々村卓美 PICES-BIO
best presentation 共著 Distribution patterns of Calanus
sinicus and C. jashnovi (Copepoda: Calanoida) in the western temperate North
Pacific: relations with the Kuroshio Extension. Takumi Nonomura, Atsushi Tsuda,
Ichiro Yasuda and Shuhei Nishida
4 西川悠 安田一郎 日本水産海洋学会論文賞 H. Nishikawa and I. Yasuda, 2008: Variation of Japanese sardine
(Sardinops melanostictus) mortality in relation to the winter mixed layer in
the Kuroshio Extension. Fish. Oceanogr. 17(5), 411-420.
10 長船哲史 PICES-POC
best poster presentation 共著 Bidecadal variability in
the intermediate waters of the northwestern subarctic Pacific and the Okhotsk
Sea in relation to the 18.6-year nodal tidal cycle. PICES XIV POC_Paper-2485
清水勇吾Yugo Shimizu:水産総合研究センター東北区水産研究所・主任研究員・日本海洋学会岡田賞受賞
02. 能登正幸Masayuki Noto:水産総合研究センター中央水産研究所・研究員
03. 吉成浩志Hiroshi Yoshinari:Alfred Wegener Institute
for Polar and Marine Research
1. 勝又勝郎Katsurou Katsumata, 2001, Parameterization of tide-topography
interaction at straits and application to water exchange between the Sea of Okhotsk
and the North Pacific, Present position: 海洋研究開発機構・研究員
2. 上野洋路Hiromichi Ueno, 2003, Distribution and formation of the
meso-thermal structure (temperature inversions) in the North Pacific subarctic
region, Present position: 北海道大学水産学部助教・日本海洋学会岡田賞受賞
3. 建部洋晶 Hiroaki Tatebe, 2003, Numerical studies on the Oyashio southward
intrusion and associated cross-gyre transport, Present position: 海洋研究開発機構・研究員
4. 纐纈 慎也 Shinya Kouketsu, 2004, Frontal waves and salinity minimum formation
along the Kuroshio Extension, Present position: 海洋研究開発機構・研究員
5. 竹内絵美利 Emiri Takeuchi, 2006, Studies on
the wintertime shoaling of oceanic surface mixed layer, Present position: エース保険
6. 増島雅親 Masachika Masujima, 2007,
Formation and Distribution of North Pacific Intermediate Water in the Subarctic
Frontal Zone, Present position: 中央水産研究所・研究員・日本海洋学会奨励論文賞受賞
7. 長船哲史Satoshi Osafune, 2009, Water-mass variability in the subarctic North
Pacific inrelation to 18.6-year period nodal tidal cycle. 東京大学海洋研究所機関研究員(特任研究員)
8. Haruka Nishikawa 西川悠, 2010,11, Studies on the environmental impacts on long -term
variation in abundance of Japanese sardine (Sardinops melanostictus) マイワシ資源量変動に対する海洋環境要因、海洋研究開発機構・研究員・日本水産海洋学会論文賞受賞
Pacific Marine Science Organization) Working Group-7(North Pacific modeling)委員(1994-1995)、
Group-9 (North Pacific monitoring)委員(1997-1998)
日本海洋学会誌J. Oceanography副編集委員(1996-1997)
論文(Referred Articles)Citation:1217(2011/7/17)1090(2010/6/23)1070(2010/1/22)1002(2009/9/29)973(2009/7/27)934(905)F=19
1) 33
9) I. Yasuda, J.-H. Yoon and N. Suginohara, 1985: Dynamics of the Kuroshio
Large Meander.-Barotropic Model-, J. Oceanogra. Soc. Jpn, 48, 259-273
2) 43
5) J.-H. Yoon and I. Yasuda, 1987: Dynamics of the Kuroshio Large Meander:Two-layer model, J. Phys. Oceanogra., 17,
3) 65
3) I. Yasuda, K. Okuda and M. Hirai, 1992: Evolution of a Kuroshio Warm-Core
Ring.- Variability of the Hydrographic Structure, Deep-Sea Res., 39(Suppl.),
4) 1
J.-I. Yano and I. Yasuda, 1992: Note on the isolated vortices over the
topographic-β, J. Oceanogr., 48, 231-237
5) 高杉知,安田一郎, 1993:岩手県沿岸域における親潮水と津軽暖流水とで形成される親潮前線の100m深指標水温,水産海洋研究,57,333-344
6) 17
19) I. Yasuda and Y. Watanabe, 1994: On the relationship between the Oyashio
front and saury fishing grounds in the north-western Pacific,Fish. Oceanogr.,3,
7) 高杉知,安田一郎, 1994:岩手県沿岸域及び東北近海域における親潮水の変動,水産海洋研究,58,253-259
8) 9
I. Yasuda and G.R. Flierl, 1995: Two dimensional asymmetric vortex merger:
Contour dynamics experiment., J. Oceanogr., 51, 145-170
9) 10
27) I. Yasuda, 1995: Geostrophic vortex merger and streamer development in the
ocean with special reference to the merger of Kuroshio warm-core rings, J.
Phys. Oceanogr., 25, 979-996
10) 9
I. Yasuda and D. Kitagawa, 1996: Locations of early fishing grounds of saury in
the North-western Pacific, Fish. Oceanogr.,5, 63-69
102 2) I. Yasuda, K. Okuda and Y. Shimizu, 1996: Distribution and modification
of the North Pacific Intermediate Water in the Kuroshio-Oyashio Interfrontal
zone., J. Phys. Oceanogr., 26, 448-465
153 1) I. Yasuda, 1997: The origin of the North Pacific Intermediate Water, J. Geophys.
Res., 102(C1), 893-909
13) 18
16) I. Yasuda and G.R. Flierl, 1997: Two dimensional asymmetric vortex merger:
merger dynamics and critical merger distance, Dyn. Atmos. Oceans, 26, 159-181
14) 5
T. Ono, I. Yasuda, H. Narita and S.Tsunogai, 1998: Chemical alternation of
waters in the Kuroshio-Oyashio interfrontal zone. J. Oceanogr., 54, 681-694.
15) 35
7) I. Yasuda, H. Sugisaki, Y.Watanabe, S. Minobe and Y. Oozeki, 1999:
Interdecadal variations in Japanese sardine and ocean/climate. Fish. Oceanogr.,
8, 18-24.
16) 42
6) M. Noto and I. Yasuda, 1999: Population decline of the Japanese sardine with
relation to the sea-surface temperature in the Kuroshio Extension. Can. J.
Fish. Aqua. Sci, 56, 973-983.
17) K.
Katsumata and I. Yasuda, 1999: Water exchange between the Okhotsk Sea and the
North Pacific Ocean estimated by simple models. PICES Scientific Report:
Okhotsk Sea and adjuscent areas., No. 12.
18) 27
13) Y. You, N. Suginohara, M. Fukasawa, I. Yasuda, I. Kaneko, H. Yoritaka and
M. Kawamiya, 2000: Roles of the Okhotsk Sea and Gulf of Alaska in forming the
North Pacific Intermediate Water. J. Geophys. Res., 105(C2), 3253-3280.
19) 32
10) I. Yasuda, S. Ito, Y. Shimizu, K. Ichikawa, K. Ueda, T. Honma, M. Uchiyama,
K. Watanabe, T. Suno, K. Tanaka and K. Koizumi, 2000: Cold-core anti-cyclonic
eddies south of the Bussol' Strait in the north-western Subarctic Pacific. J.
Phys. Oceanogr., 30, 1137-1157.
20) 31
12) H. Ueno and I. Yasuda, 2000: Distribution and formation of the mesothermal
structures (temperature inversions) in the North Pacific Subarctic Regions. J.
Geophys. Res., 105 (C7), 16885-16898.
21) 22
15) I. Yasuda, T. Tozuka, M. Noto and S. Kouketsu 2000: Heat balance and regime
shifts of the mixed layer in the Kuroshio Extension. Progress in Oceanogr., 47,
22) 14
22) K. Katsumata, I. Yasuda, and Y. Kawasaki, 2001, Direct current measurements
in Krusensterna Strait in summer. Geophys. Res. Letters, 28, 319-322.
23) 16
20) K. Okuda, I. Yasuda, Y. Hiroe and Y. Shimizu, 2001, Structure of subsurface
intrusion of the Oyashio water into the Kuroshio Extension and formation
process of the North Pacific Intermediate Water. J. Oceanogr., 57, 121-140.
24) 11
26) T.M. Joyce, I. Yasuda, Y. Hiroe, K. Komatsu, K. Kawasaki and F. Bahr, 2001,
Mixing in the meandering Kuroshio Extension & the formation of NPIW. J.
Gephys. Res. 106(C3), 4397-4407.
25) 34
8) I. Yasuda, Y. Hiroe, K. Komatsu, K. Kawasaki, T.M. Joyce, F. Bahr and Y.
Kawasaki, 2001: Hydrographic structure and transport of the Oyashio south of
Hokkaido and the formation of the North Pacific Intermediate Water. J. Geophys.
Res., 106(C4), 6931-6942.
26) 32
10) Y. Shimizu, I. Yasuda and S. Ito, 2001, Distribution and circulation of the
coastal Oyashio intrusion. J. Phys. Oceanogr., 31(6), 1561-1578.
27) 7
H. Tatebe, and I. Yasuda, 2001, Seasonal axis migration of the upstream
Kuroshio Extension associated with standing oscillations. J. Geophys. Res.,
106(C8), 16685-16692.
28) 8
H. Yoshinari, I. Yasuda, S. Ito, E. Firing, Y. Matsuo, O. Kato, and Y. Shimizu,
2001, Meridional transport of the North Pacific Intermediate Water in the
Kuroshio-Oyashio interfrontal zone. Gephysical Research Letters, 28, 3445-3448.
29) 12
23) H. Ueno and I. Yasuda, 2001, Warm and saline water transport to the North
Pacific Subarctic region: WOCE and SAGE data analysis. Journal of Geophysical
Research 106(C10), 22131-22141.
30) 17
17) Y. Hiroe, I. Yasuda, K. Komatsu, K. Kawasaki, T.M. Joyce and F. Bahr, 2002:
Transport of the North Pacific Intermediate Water in the Kuroshio-Oyashio
Interfrontal zone. Deep-Sea Research II, 49, 5353-5364.
31) 27
13) I. Yasuda, S. Kouketsu, K. Katsumata, M. Ohiwa, Y. Kawasaki and A. Kusaka,
2002: Influence of intermediate Okhotsk Sea water on the Oyashio and North
Pacific Intermediate Water. Journal of Geophysical Research, 107(C12), 3237,
32) 7
M. Noto and I. Yasuda, 2003: Empirical biomass model for the Japanese sardine
with sea surface temperature in the Kuroshio Extension. Fisheries Oceanography,
12, 1-9.
33) 13
24) Y. Shimizu, I. Yasuda, S. Ito and K. Hanawa, 2003: ADCP-referenced Kuroshio
and Oyashio water transports for the North Pacific Intermediate Water
formation. Journal of Physical Oceanography, 33, 220-233.
34) 4
R. Inoue, J. Yoshida, Y. Hiroe, K. Komatsu, K. Kawasaki and I. Yasuda, 2003:
Modification of North Pacific Intermediate Water around Mixed Water Region.
Journal of Oceanography, 59, 211-224.
35) 59
4) I. Yasuda, 2003: Hydrographic structure and variability of the
Kuroshio-Oyashio Transition Area. Journal of Oceanogarphy, 59, 389-402.
36) 7
T. Ono, K. Sasaki and I. Yasuda, 2003: Re-estimation of annual anthropogenic
carbon input from Oyashio into North Pacific Intermediate Water. Journal of
Oceanography, 59, 883-891.
37) 16
20) M. Masujima, I. Yasuda, Y. Hiroe and T. Watanabe, 2003: Transport of
Oyashio water across the Subarctic Front into the Mixed Water Region and
formation of NPIW. Journal of Oceanography, 59, 855-869.
38) 12
24) H. Ueno and I. Yasuda, 2003: Intermediate water circulation in the North
Pacific subarctic and northern subtropical regions. Journal of Geophysical
Research, 108(C11), 3348, doi:10.1029/2002JC001372
39) 4
E. Takeuchi and I. Yasuda, 2003, Wintertime shoaling of oceanic surface mixed
layer. Geophysical Research Letters, 30(22),art-no.-2152,NOV21,2003
40) 9
I. Yasuda, 2004: North Pacific Intermediate Water: Progress in SAGE and related
projects. Journal of Oceanography, 60(2), 385-396.
41) 11
26)K. Uehara, S. Ito, H. Miyake, I. Yasuda, Y. Shimizu and T. Watanabe, 2004:
Absolute volume transport of the Oyashio referred to moored current meter data
crossing the OICE. Journal of Oceanography, 60(2), 397-410.
42) 9
S. Ito, K. Uehara, T. Miyao, H. Miyake, I. Yasuda, T. Watanabe and Y. Shimizu,
2004: Characteristics of altimetry SSH anomaly of TOPEX/POSEIDON on the OICE
line and its relation for meseared velocity and transport in the Oyashio
region. Journal of Oceanography, 60(2), 411-424.
43) 5
Y. Shimizu, T. Iwao, I. Yasuda, S. Ito, T. Watanabe, K. Uehara, N. Shikama and
T. Nakano, 2004: Formation process of North Pacific Intermediate Water revealed
by profiling floats set to drift on 26.7sigma-theta isopycnal surface. Journal
of Oceanography, 60(2), 439-452.
44) 3
K. Komatsu, Y. Hiroe, I. Yasuda, K. Kawasaki, T.M. Joyce, F. Bahr and Y.
Kawasaki, 2004: Hydrographic structure and transport of intermediate water
south of Japan. Journal of Oceanography, 60(2), 487-504.
45) 2
Yoshinari H., Yasuda I. and Ikeda M. 2004: Meridional transport of North
Pacific Intermediate Water across 37N based on the objective analysis of
lowered acoustic doppler current profilor data. Journal of Geophysical
Research, 109,C02023,doi:10.1029/2003JC001815
46) 17
17) Tatebe H. and Yasuda I. 2004: Oyashio southward intrusion and cross-gyre
transport related to diapycnal upwelling in the Okhotsk Sea. Journal of
Physical Oceanography, 34, 2327-2341.
47) 7
Katsumata K., Ohshima K.-I., Kono T., Itoh M., Yasuda I., Volkov Y. and
Wakatsuchi M., 2004: Water exchange and tidal currents through the Bussol
Strait revealed by direct current measurements. Journal of Geophysical
Research, 109, doi:10.1029/2003JC001864.
48) 3
Tatebe H. and Yasuda I. 2005: Interdecadal variations of the coastal Oyashio
from the 1970s to the early 1990s. Geophysical Reserach Letters, 32,
49) 5
S. Kouketsu, I. Yasuda and Y. Hiroe, 2005: Observation of frontal waves and
associated salinity minimum formation along the Kuroshio Extension. J. Geophys.
Res. 110, C08011, doi:10.1029/2004JC002862
50) 0
H. Tatebe and I. Yasuda, 2005: Numerical experiments on the seasonal variation
of the Oyashio southward intrusion. J. Phys. Oceanogr. 35, 2309-2326.
51) 4
H. Ueno and I. Yasuda, 2005: Temperature inversions in the North Pacific
subarctic region. J. Phys. Oceanogr. 35, 2444-2456.
52) 14
22) H. Tokinaga, Y. Tanimoto, M. Nonaka, B. Taguchi, T. Fukamachi, S.-P. Xie,
H. Nakamura, T. Watanabe and I. Yasuda (2006): Atmospheric sounding over the
winter Kuroshio Extension: Effect of surface stability on atmospheric boundary
layer structure. Geophys. Res. Letters, 33, L04703, doi:10.1029/2005GL025102.
53) 17
17) I. Yasuda, S. Osafune and H. Tatebe, 2006: Possible explanation linking
18.6-year period nodal tidal cycle with bi-decadal variations of ocean and
climate in the North Pacific. Geophys. Res. Letters, 33, L08606,
54) 12
24) S. Osafune, and I. Yasuda, 2006: Bidecadal variability in the intermediate
waters of the northwestern subarctic Pacific and the Okhotsk Sea in relation to
18.6-year perioid nodal tidal cycle. J. Geophys. Res., 111, C05007,
55) 5
S. Kouketsu, I. Yasuda and Y. Hiroe, 2007: Three-dimensional structure of
frontal waves and associated salinity minimum formation along the Kuroshio
Extension. J. Phys. Oceanogr., 37, 644-656.
56) 1
I. Yasuda and T. Watanabe, 2007: Chlorophyll a variation in the Kuroshio
Extension revealed with a mixed layer tracking float: implication on long-term
change of Pacific saury. Fish. Oceanogr., 16(5), 482-488.
57) 3
H. Hasumi, I. Yasuda and H. Tatebe, M. Kimoto 2008: Pacific bidecadal
variability regulated by tidal mixing around the Kuril Islands. Geophysical
Research Letters, 35, L14601,doi:10.1029/2008GL034406,2008
58) 1
H. Nishikawa and I. Yasuda, 2008: Variation of Japanese sardine (Sardinops
melanostictus) mortality in relation to the winter mixed layer in the Kuroshio
Extension. Fish. Oceanogr. 17(5), 411-420.
59) S.
Kouketsu and I. Yasuda, 2008: Unstable frontal waves along the Kuroshio
Extension with low-potential vorticity intermediate Oyashio water. J. Phys.
Oceanogr. 38, 2308-2321. DOI:10.1175/2008JPO3814.1
Yasuda, I. (2009), The 18.6-year period moon-tidal cycle in Pacific Decadal
Oscillation reconstructed from tree-rings in western North America, Geophys.
Res. Lett., 36, L05605, doi:10.1029/2008GL036880.
61) 1
Itoh, S., I. Yasuda, H. Nishikawa, H. Sasaki and Y. Sasai (2009), Transport and
environmental temperature variability of eggs and larvae of the Japanese
anchovy (Engraulis japonicus) and Japanese sardine (Sardinops melanostictus) in
the western North Pacific estimated via numerical particle tracking
experiments. Fish. Oceanogr., 18(2), 118-133.
62) K.
Tadokoro, T. Ono, I. Yasuda, S. Osafune, A. Shiomoto and H. Sugisaki, 2009:
Possible mechanisms of decadal scale variations in PO4 concentration in the
Oyashio and Kuroshio-Oyashio Transition waters, western North Pacific.
36 Geophys. Res. Letters 36,L08606, doi:10.1029/2009GL037327, 2009
63) M.
Masujima and I. Yasuda, 2009: Distribution and modification of North Pacific
Intermediate Water around the Subarctic frontal zone east of 150E. J. Phys.
Oceanogr.,39, 1462-1474.
64) 1
large copepods from the Oyashio area to the mixed water region by Oyashio
intrusions. Fish. Oceanogr. 18(5), 312-327, 2009
65) S.
Osafune, and I. Yasuda, 2010:Bidecadal variability in the Bering Sea and the
relation with 18.6year perioid nodal tidal cycle. J. Geophys. Res., 115, DOI:
66) H.
Tatebe, I. Yasuda, H. Saito and Y. Shimizu, 2010: Horizontal transport of the
calanoid copepod Neocalanus in the North Pacific: The influences of the current
system and the life history. Deep-Sea Res. I, 57, 409-419.
67) K.
Katsumata and I. Yasuda, 2010, Estimate of non-tidal exchange transport between
the Sea of Okhotsk and the North Pacific. J. Oceanogr., 66, 489-504.
68) S.
Itoh and I. Yasuda, 2010: Characteristics of mesoscale eddies in the
Kuroshio-Oyashio Extension regions detected from the distribution of the sea
surface height anomaly. J. Phys. Oceanogr., 40, 1018-1034.
69) S.
Itoh, I. Yasuda, T. Nakatsuka J. Nishioka, and Y. N. Volkov 2010:Fine- and microstructure observations in the Urup Strait, Kuril
Islands, during August of 2006. J. Geophys. Res. Oceans, 115, C08004,
70) S.
Itoh and I. Yasuda, 2010 Water mass structure of warm and cold anticyclonic
eddies in the western boundary region of the subarctic North Pacific. J. Phys.
Oceanogr., 40, 2624-2642.
71) S.
and M. SHIMIZU, Environmental variability and growth histories of larval
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